Smartsheet is named a Customers’ Choice in the June 2023 Gartner® Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’: Collaborative Work Management

Project management is only as successful as the processes that support it.

Navigating the New Norm: A Deep Dive into S&P Global's Analysis of Remote Work Efficiency

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the shift towards remote work has become more than just a temporary adjustment; it’s a fundamental transformation in how we collaborate and operate. S&P Global’s recent analysis, “Collaborating Efficiently in the Rise of Remote Work”, offers a critical examination of this trend, revealing key insights and strategies for maximizing efficiency in a remote working environment.

Smartsheet is trusted by over 90% of Fortune 100 companies

Excellence in work management

Smartsheet is a powerful work management platform that enables businesses to streamline their processes, improve collaboration, and drive productivity. 

Voice of the Customer for Collaborative Work Management

Smartsheet is excited to announce we have been recognized as a Customers’ Choice vendor for 2023 in the Collaborative Work Management category on Gartner® Peer Insights™. This distinction is a recognition of vendors in this market based on feedback and ratings from 203 verified end users of our product as of 30th April, 2023. Overall, Smartsheet reviewers gave us a 4.6 out of 5, with 98% saying they would recommend our product.

The Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice recognizes vendors in this market based on reviews from verified end-user professionals. The Customers’ Choice distinction takes into account both the number of reviews and the overall user ratings. To ensure fair evaluation, Gartner maintains rigorous criteria for recognizing vendors with a high customer satisfaction rate.